Thursday, September 1, 2011

3D Petanque Game -

3D Petanque Game
Play 3D Petanque Game

Hi! Guys! Here I come again! Today we are going to bring you a ball game------3D Petanque, which is very popular now both at home and abroad.

Petanque origins from France, and it quickly spread to the whole Europe with incredible rate. It has been warm received from the very beginning of its birth and it seems that it keeps being more and more popular around the world. Why it has been so hot? Let’s give you some introduction.

Petanque does not require big yard. A small playground will be enough. Many people enjoy playing Petanque on the beach shore. That’s a good idea! First, it is sunny and beautiful, which bring us good mood. Then, sandy beach is very comfortable to stand on, let alone play ball game. It’s just so cool!

Petanque mainly test your judge and strength. There are quite a lot of players available, you can choose one according to the brief introduction of them. Then, you start the match. For the game mode, there are 2 types: single player and multi player. Single player mode is mostly used for training as in this mode; you play 2 roles, both you and your opponents. So, if you want to take some training before formal match, Single mode is for you. Multi player mode is the formal match. In this mode, you can test your training skill. To begin, you are expected to throw out a small red ball out. Then, both your opponents and you throw another 3 balls. Whose ball nearest to the red ball will get some marks, and the one who get the most marks is to be the winner.

Petanque is based on 3D technology, including the scene, background music, sounding effect and the action effect as well. It’s really wonderful and worth a try.

Join us and get the unique joy right now!

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

3D Games - Play 3D Games Online -

With the rapid development of Internet, online games market has been endowed with huge power. The quality of online games is being perfected while the number is steadily on the increase. Over these years, 2D and 3D merge along with the development of online games. In the meantime, 2.5D, 2.8D and other game concepts begin to emerge gradually due to the difference of technology or understanding. However, 2D and 3D are still the most acknowledge game modes to most players. Between 2D game and 3D game, nobody can assert which one is the more excellent. The two modes have their own characteristics, both with advantages and disadvantages. It turns out that they tend to rise alternatively. Here, we would like to give a brief introduction to 3D games mostly.

1. Definition
3D game is the abbreviation of three-dimensional game. D means” Dimensional”. That’s because the point location in 3D game is determined by 3 coordinates. Space is three-dimensional, with length, width and height.

2. Features
(1)Magnificent game scene
The adoption of tridimensional space makes the game scene nice and elegant.

(2)Arbitrarily operation
In 3D game, space operation has become more arbitrary due to its design concept.

(3)Cool special effect
With three-dimensional space, some action effect can be more fluent and excellent.

3. Hardware support
Differing from common online games, 3D games have higher requirements for the hardware. To enjoy 3D games, you have to make sure you have equipped a competent computer. Otherwise, you can never enjoy the true joy, but feel frustrated since the game fails to run smoothly.

If we take the current game market into overall consideration, we have reasons to believe that 3D games have a promising future in the days to come. It’s just a matter of time. Let’s join hands and look forward to the prosperity of 3D Games.

Play Online 3D Games at

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Extreme Triathlon Game - 3D Games -

Extreme Triathlon Game

Play Extreme Triathlon Game
Nowadays, with the development of society, more and more people become to pay attention to health and environment protection. And people begin to invent some new sport that mixed with these elements, such as golf, bowling, yoga, etc. It’s the same with game market, in view of these changes, some game designers try designing some ecological sport game, which meets the needs of the new human. Fortunately, these type of games have eventually come out now. And today we are very glad to recommend one of them to you, its name is Extreme Triathlon Game.

Extreme Triathlon Game is a 3D game, integrated with swimming, cycling and running as a whole. There are 6 sportsmen in all, including you yourself. The whole match is composed of 3 parts:

Part1. Swimming:
A big swimming pool is designed, and all players are supposed to swim through the pool to enter the next part. There are masses of floating obstacles on the river, you shall try to keep away from them during your swim.

Part2. Cycling
It mainly tests the players’ cycling ability. Every player is equipped with a bicycle and are supposed to pass through a period of mall. Same with part1, there are also blockings, just evade from them, or you will get an accident.

Part3. Running
It is the last part before you come to the finishing line. In this part, the players are required to running through a period of muddy track with bare foot. It’s somewhat challenging and worse more, in your way forward; there are quite a lot of fallen logs, which you shall overstep. The player will cost a lot of strength during running, so it is very import to do some supplement by press Z continuously.

Left/Right to move
Z to dive/jump
X to swim/run

Extreme Triathlon Game will bring you unprecedented feeling, I promise!
Have a try!

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Braap Braap Game | 3D Games

Braap Braap Game
Today, we are glad to introduce you a new exciting motocross game----Braap.

The game scene is full of 3D graphics and sounding effect, therefore it’s pretty nice. There are 2 roles (male/female), 3 colors (red, blue, black) for the player to choose, you can choose your favorite combination to race. Racing track is quite wriggle and some corners are just precipitate, that’s to say, you need to be much more alert and keep flexible brain. In this game, no guard bar is offered, if there is, it’s obstacle as well. So, extra attention should be paid in case of crash on any of the guard bar. By the way, if you just dash against the guard bar, both your motorbike and you yourself will be thrown out of the track, you need to race again from the accident site. That wastes a lot of time, and I wish you no crash.

In the track, there are some special “box”, they are not obstacle, but good thing, which will bring you more bonus, so you should try your best to pick up as much ”box” as possible. On the contrary, if you knock into the guard bar (marked with “etnies”), you will get the crash penalty, so for the guard bar, you are expected to keep away from them. As I have mentioned in the beginning, the track is quite wriggle and there are some slopes. When faced with a slope, we suggest you Hold SPACEBAR before a jump to pre-load and release it as you go off the jump and get more air. Hold Z X or C before you go off a jump to do a trick. These two operations will make your race easier and more relaxed. 

Much illustration is superfluous, and real joy comes to you when you join us, join the Braap motocross. Go! Start your Braap journey now!

Play Braap Braap Game at
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Sunday, March 27, 2011

喷气式滑板赛车游戏 - 3D Games -



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Friday, March 18, 2011

Fast Car Frenzy 小游戏 - 3D Games -

Fast Car Frenzy 小游戏

逼真的赛车跑道,紧张的音乐,真实的碰撞声响,仿佛置身于世界顶级赛车道,与世界级的选手进行尖峰对决!还等什么?“Fast Car Frenzy”小游戏为您平淡无奇的生活提供一个刺激。释放的空间,体验急速的飞跃感觉!

在线玩“Fast Car Frenzy”小游戏在:
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Air Barons 小游戏 - 3D Games -

Air Barons 小游戏
Air Barons 小游戏为您提供了这个体验的机会,展翅翱翔天际,奋勇杀敌,还等什么?快来加入我们吧~完成任务,成为大家的航天英雄!

在线玩“Air Barons”小游戏在:
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

出租车司机小游戏 - 3D Games -

这款游戏可以给你一个全新的出租车司机新的生活体验。如果有一个乘客他/她的像你招手手,你便可停靠在路边,等乘客上车以后,送乘客到指定的目的地。乘客上车后会显示目的地地址。根据游戏右下角小地图的标志就可以将客人送达。注意,你所操控的出租车,可以跟法国电影 “疯狂出租车” 里的那辆媲美。车速很快,小心别撞到了路上的行人,路边的电线杆。考验你车技的时刻到了。BALA BALA

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

越野四轮驱动车小游戏 :: 3D Games ::

Offroad 4x4 Game
游戏开始为一个古老的泛黄地图,让您充分体验在古老秘境探险的神秘和刺激感,多种车型可供选择:包括 ENDURANCE,MINICLIP, SAFARI,每种车型有各自的优点,爽快的漂移快感,速度与激情并存,带你进入眩目的急速世界。可根据地形&个人需要来选择。游戏简单,容易上手,赛道创意无限,惊险又刺激。
游戏玩法:JUST A QUICK RUN ON THE TOUGHER RAID STAGES.只需简单的4个方向键操纵汽车,即可踏上你的丛林探险之旅,在规定时限内跑完4圈皆可进入下一关。游戏有多个关卡,难度逐渐加深。

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自由式滑雪小游戏 :: 3D Games ::

Freestyle Snowboard Game
Freestyle Snowboard 是一个在线3D滑雪游戏,梦幻般的自由式滑雪游戏很容易掌控。享受各种姿势带来的快感。游戏画面极其逼真,同时给你带来无比的震撼!
不要犹豫,和我们一起感受这款 Freestyle Snowboard 游戏!
更多 3D Games 在:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

3D涡轮赛车游戏 // 3D Games

疯狂赛车是本网站的最新3D游戏。它是一款汽车竞技游戏,主要考验驾驶员的驾驶能力和反应能力。 关于操作说明,玩家主要需要使用5个键,“前,后,左,右,和X键”,游戏首页已有图示,在此不赘述。可能您已猜到游戏规则,最先通过重点线的玩家便取得了游戏的胜利。对!就是那样!规则很简单。但是值得注意的是,您要想成为最终的赢家,还是得注意些,掌握一些技巧,比如,何时按X字键加速,何时减速等等。总体而言,要想取得最终的胜利,您需铭记一条:快!快!快!让自己始终处于领先地位,唯此,您才能获得更多的胜算成为最终的赢家。 选上一辆中意的车,现在就开始您的挑战之旅吧!祝您好运!

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3D模拟飞行游戏 // 3D Games

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雷霆攻击3D游戏 // 3D Games


最近,我又新添加了一款射击游戏,迅雷行动。玩家在这里充当拯救者的角色。有一伙恐怖分子携带核武器挟持了一栋大厦,并以此要挟当局支付巨款。游戏中,你将被派去消灭恐怖分子,并安全带回核武器,拯救世界。此款游戏趣味性强,简单易上手,点击鼠标左键射击,按空格换子弹即可。游戏中会有紧急急救箱与枪支包,均藏匿于隐蔽之处,需玩家仔细寻找。别小看了这些东西,危机时刻,全靠他们救急呢!好了,话不多说,介绍的再多也不如真实体验感触深刻。 来吧,现在就来接受挑战,开始你的英雄之旅,拯救世界吧!期待着你凯旋而归!
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

3D Games 新网站新潮牛


