Saturday, March 21, 2015

You want to be a hero?

You want to be a hero? 300: Grab your glory. A new chapter in the sea to take action scenes. Unity of all Greece's powerful Persian navy. It's time for the rise of an empire. You will help to combat the invasion of the Persian navy, led by the Greek general  sea battle. In combat, you basically walk around and through the power of the enemy with your sword slash your way, you can use your shield, and pull off some of the combo moves,show off their skills with a sword to kill your enemies, protect yourself by blocking attacks with your shield. Do not have to use your bow to prevent them from invading your ship last showdown, you will face your boat deck Persian sailors. Sparta join this amazing fighting game. In order to maintain the supreme honor, warriors fighting has spread to the sea. Who will be the imperial lord? Join the fight!